- ZMod.toFin q x = x.cast
Instances For
Canonical epimorphism / quotient map: ZMod q[X] ->*+ R q n
- R.fromPoly = Ideal.Quotient.mk (Ideal.span {f q n})
Instances For
A concrete version that shows that mapping into the ideal back from the
representative produces the representative' NOTE: Lean times out if I use the
abbreviation R.fromPoly
for unclear reasons!
The representative of a : R q n
is the (unique) polynomial p : ZMod q[X]
of degree < 2^n
such that R.fromPoly p = a
- R.representative q n x = R.representative' q n x %ₘ f q n
Instances For
is in fact a representative of the equivalence class.
Characterization theorem for any potential representative (in terms of ideals).
For an a : (ZMod q)[X]
, the representative of its equivalence class
is just a + i
for some i ∈ (Ideal.span {f q n})
Characterization theorem for any potential representative (in terms of elements).
For an a : (ZMod q)[X]
, the representative of its equivalence class
is a concrete element of the form a + k * (f q n)
for some k ∈ (ZMod q)[X]
A theorem similar to R.fromPoly_rep'_eq_element
but uses fromPoly.toFun
to be more deterministic, as the toFun
sometimes sneaks in due to coercions.
The representative of 0 wil live in the ideal of {f q n}. To show that such
an element is a multiple of {f q n}, use Ideal.mem_span_singleton'
The representatiatve of 0 is a multiple of f q n
pushing and pulling negation through mod
%ₘ is a subtraction homomorphism (obviously)
Representative of (0 : R) is (0 : Z/qZ[X])
Characterization theorem for the representative.
Taking the representative of the equivalence class of a polynomial a : (ZMod q)[X]
the same as taking the remainder of a
modulo f q n
Representative is an additive homomorphism
Representative is an multiplicative homomorphism upto modulo
Another characterization of the representative: if the degree of x is less than that of (f q n), then we recover the same polynomial.
- a.repLength = match (R.representative q n a).degree with | none => 0 | some d => d + 1
Instances For
This function gets the i
th coefficient of the polynomial representative
(with degree < 2^n
) of an element a : R q n
. Note that this is not
invariant under the choice of representative.
- a.coeff i = (R.representative q n a).coeff i
Instances For
R.monomial i c
is the equivalence class of the monomial c * X^i
in R q n
- R.monomial c i = R.fromPoly ((Polynomial.monomial i) c)
Instances For
Given an equivalence class of polynomials a : R q n
with representative
p = p_0 + p_1 X + ... + p_{2^n - 1} X^{2^n - 1}
, R.slice a startIdx endIdx
the equivalence class of the polynomial
`p_{startIdx}*X^{startIdx} + p_{startIdx + 1} X^{startIdx + 1} + ... + p_{endIdx
- 1} X^{endIdx - 1}` Note that this is not invariant under the choice of representative.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- a.leadingTerm = match (R.representative q n a).degree with | none => 0 | some deg => R.monomial (a.coeff deg) deg
Instances For
- R.fromTensor coeffs = List.foldl (fun (res : R q n) (x : ℕ × ℤ) => match x with | (i, c) => res + R.monomial (↑c) i) 0 coeffs.enum
Instances For
A definition of fromTensor that operates on Z/qZ[X], to provide a relationship between R and Z/qZ[X] as the polynomial in R is built.
- R.fromTensor' coeffs = List.foldl (fun (res : Polynomial (ZMod q)) (x : ℕ × ℤ) => match x with | (i, c) => res + (Polynomial.monomial i) ↑c) 0 coeffs.enum
Instances For
fromTensor = R.fromPoly ∘ fromTensor'. This permits reasoning about fromTensor directly on the polynomial ring.
an equivalent implementation of fromTensor
that uses Finsupp
to enable reasoning about values using mathlib's notions of
support, coefficients, etc.
- R.fromTensorFinsupp q coeffs = { toFinsupp := (List.map Int.cast coeffs).toFinsupp }
Instances For
degree of fromTensorFinsupp is at most the length of the coefficient list.
the ith coefficient of fromTensorFinsupp is a coercion of the 'coeffs' into the right list.
concatenating into a fromTensorFinsupp
is the same as adding a ⟨Finsupp.single⟩.
concatenating into a fromTensorFinsupp
is the same as adding a monomial.
show that fromTensor
is the same as fromPoly ∘ fromTensorFinsupp
The coefficient of fromTensor
is the same as the values available in the tensor input.
Converts an element of R
into a tensor (modeled as a List Int
with the representatives of the coefficients of the representative.
The length of the list is the degree of the representative + 1.
- a.toTensor = List.map (fun (i : ℕ) => ZMod.toInt q (a.coeff i)) (List.range a.repLength)
Instances For
The length of the tensor R.toTensor a
equals a.repLength
- trimTensor tensor = (List.dropWhile (fun (x : ℤ) => decide (x = 0)) tensor.reverse).reverse
Instances For
We define the base type of the representation, which encodes both natural numbers
and elements in the ring R q n
(which in FHE are sometimes called 'polynomials'
in allusion to R.representative
In this context, `Tensor is a 1-D tensor, which we model here as a list of integers.
- index: {q n : ℕ} → Ty q n
- integer: {q n : ℕ} → Ty q n
- tensor: {q n : ℕ} → Ty q n
- polynomialLike: {q n : ℕ} → Ty q n
Instances For
- instDecidableEqTy = decEqTy✝
The operation type of the Poly
dialect. Operations are parametrized by the
two parameters p
and n
that characterize the ring R q n
We parametrize the entire type by these since it makes no sense to mix
operations in different rings.
- add: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- sub: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- mul: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- mul_constant: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- leading_term: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- monomial: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- monomial_mul: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- from_tensor: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- to_tensor: {q n : ℕ} → Op q n
- const: {q n : ℕ} → R q n → Op q n
- const_int: {q n : ℕ} → ℤ → Op q n
- const_idx: {q n : ℕ} → ℕ → Op q n
Instances For
- Op.add.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike, Ty.polynomialLike]
- Op.sub.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike, Ty.polynomialLike]
- Op.mul.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike, Ty.polynomialLike]
- Op.mul_constant.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike, Ty.integer]
- Op.leading_term.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike]
- Op.monomial.sig = [Ty.integer, Ty.index]
- Op.monomial_mul.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike, Ty.index]
- Op.from_tensor.sig = [Ty.tensor]
- Op.to_tensor.sig = [Ty.polynomialLike]
- (Op.const c).sig = []
- (Op.const_int c).sig = []
- (Op.const_idx i).sig = []
Instances For
- Op.add.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.sub.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.mul.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.mul_constant.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.leading_term.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.monomial.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.monomial_mul.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.from_tensor.outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- (Op.const c).outTy = Ty.polynomialLike
- Op.to_tensor.outTy = Ty.tensor
- (Op.const_int c).outTy = Ty.integer
- (Op.const_idx i).outTy = Ty.index
Instances For
- o.signature = { sig := o.sig, regSig := [], outTy := o.outTy, effectKind := EffectKind.pure }
Instances For
- instDialectSignatureFHE = { signature := Op.signature }
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