

MLIR Dialect Domain Specific Language #

This file sets up generic glue meta-code to tie together the generic MLIR parser with the Transform mechanism, to obtain an easy way to specify a DSL that elaborates into Com/Expr instances for a specific dialect.

ctxtNf reduces an expression of type Ctxt _ to something in between whnf and normal form. ctxtNf recursively calls whnf on the tail of the list, so that the result is of the form a₀ :: a₁ :: ... :: aₙ :: [] where each element aᵢ is not further reduced

comNf reduces an expression of type Com to something in between whnf and normal form. comNf recursively calls whnf on the expression and body of a Com.var, resulting in Com.var ( ...) <| Com.var ( ...) <| Com.var ( ...) <| ... <| Com.rete _ where the arguments to are not reduced

def SSA.elabIntoCom (region : Lean.TSyntax `mlir_region) (d : Q(Dialect)) {φ : Q()} (_dialectSignature : autoParam Q(DialectSignature «$d») _auto✝) (_transformTy : autoParam Q(MLIR.AST.TransformTy «$d» «$φ») _auto✝) (_transformExpr : autoParam Q(MLIR.AST.TransformExpr «$d» «$φ») _auto✝) (_transformReturn : autoParam Q(MLIR.AST.TransformReturn «$d» «$φ») _auto✝) :

elabIntoCom is a building block for defining a dialect-specific DSL based on the geneeric MLIR syntax parser.

For example, if FooOp is the type of operations of a "Foo" dialect, we can build a term elaborator for this dialect as follows:

elab "[foo_com| " reg:mlir_region "]" : term => SSA.elabIntoCom reg q(FooOp)
--     ^^^^^^^                                                        ^^^^^
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For