

Extended non-negative reals #

We define ENNReal = ℝ≥0∞ := WithTop ℝ≥0 to be the type of extended nonnegative real numbers, i.e., the interval [0, +∞]. This type is used as the codomain of a MeasureTheory.Measure, and of the extended distance edist in an EMetricSpace.

In this file we set up many of the instances on ℝ≥0∞, and provide relationships between ℝ≥0∞ and ℝ≥0, and between ℝ≥0∞ and . In particular, we provide a coercion from ℝ≥0 to ℝ≥0∞ as well as functions ENNReal.toNNReal, ENNReal.ofReal and ENNReal.toReal, all of which take the value zero wherever they cannot be the identity. Also included is the relationship between ℝ≥0∞ and . The interaction of these functions, especially ENNReal.ofReal and ENNReal.toReal, with the algebraic and lattice structure can be found in Data.ENNReal.Real.

This file proves many of the order properties of ℝ≥0∞, with the exception of the ways those relate to the algebraic structure, which are included in Data.ENNReal.Operations. This file also defines inversion and division: this includes Inv and Div instances on ℝ≥0∞ making it into a DivInvOneMonoid. As a consequence of being a DivInvOneMonoid, ℝ≥0∞ inherits a power operation with integer exponent: this and other properties is shown in Data.ENNReal.Inv.

Main definitions #

Implementation notes #

We define a CanLift ℝ≥0∞ ℝ≥0 instance, so one of the ways to prove theorems about an ℝ≥0∞ number a is to consider the cases a = ∞ and a ≠ ∞, and use the tactic lift a to ℝ≥0 using ha in the second case. This instance is even more useful if one already has ha : a ≠ ∞ in the context, or if we have (f : α → ℝ≥0∞) (hf : ∀ x, f x ≠ ∞).

Notations #

The extended nonnegative real numbers. This is usually denoted [0, ∞], and is relevant as the codomain of a measure.

Instances For
    noncomputable instance ENNReal.instInv :
    instance ENNReal.covariantClass_mul_le :
    CovariantClass ENNReal ENNReal (fun (x1 x2 : ENNReal) => x1 * x2) fun (x1 x2 : ENNReal) => x1 x2
    instance ENNReal.covariantClass_add_le :
    CovariantClass ENNReal ENNReal (fun (x1 x2 : ENNReal) => x1 + x2) fun (x1 x2 : ENNReal) => x1 x2
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

    Coercion from ℝ≥0 to ℝ≥0∞.

    Instances For
      def ENNReal.recTopCoe {C : ENNRealSort u_2} (top : C ) (coe : (x : NNReal) → C x) (x : ENNReal) :
      C x

      A version of WithTop.recTopCoe that uses ENNReal.ofNNReal.

      Instances For
        theorem ENNReal.none_eq_top :
        none =
        theorem ENNReal.some_eq_coe (a : NNReal) :
        some a = a
        theorem ENNReal.some_eq_coe' (a : NNReal) :
        a = a
        theorem ENNReal.coe_inj {p : NNReal} {q : NNReal} :
        p = q p = q
        theorem ENNReal.coe_ne_coe {p : NNReal} {q : NNReal} :
        p q p q

        toNNReal x returns x if it is real, otherwise 0.

        Instances For

          toReal x returns x if it is real, 0 otherwise.

          • a.toReal = a.toNNReal
          Instances For
            noncomputable def ENNReal.ofReal (r : ) :

            ofReal x returns x if it is nonnegative, 0 otherwise.

            Instances For
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_coe (r : NNReal) :
              (↑r).toNNReal = r
              theorem ENNReal.coe_toNNReal {a : ENNReal} :
              a a.toNNReal = a
              theorem ENNReal.ofReal_toReal {a : ENNReal} (h : a ) :
              ENNReal.ofReal a.toReal = a
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_ofReal {r : } (h : 0 r) :
              (ENNReal.ofReal r).toReal = r
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_ofReal' {r : } :
              (ENNReal.ofReal r).toReal = max r 0
              theorem ENNReal.coe_toNNReal_le_self {a : ENNReal} :
              a.toNNReal a
              theorem ENNReal.ofReal_eq_coe_nnreal {x : } (h : 0 x) :
              ENNReal.ofReal x = x, h
              theorem ENNReal.ofNNReal_toNNReal (x : ) :
              x.toNNReal = ENNReal.ofReal x
              theorem ENNReal.coe_zero :
              0 = 0
              theorem ENNReal.coe_one :
              1 = 1
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_nonneg {a : ENNReal} :
              0 a.toReal
              theorem ENNReal.coe_toNNReal_eq_toReal (z : ENNReal) :
              z.toNNReal = z.toReal
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_toReal_eq (z : ENNReal) :
              z.toReal.toNNReal = z.toNNReal
              theorem ENNReal.top_toNNReal :
              .toNNReal = 0
              theorem ENNReal.top_toReal :
              .toReal = 0
              theorem ENNReal.coe_toReal (r : NNReal) :
              (↑r).toReal = r
              theorem ENNReal.forall_ennreal {p : ENNRealProp} :
              (∀ (a : ENNReal), p a) (∀ (r : NNReal), p r) p
              theorem ENNReal.forall_ne_top {p : ENNRealProp} :
              (∀ (a : ENNReal), a p a) ∀ (r : NNReal), p r
              theorem ENNReal.exists_ne_top {p : ENNRealProp} :
              (∃ (a : ENNReal), a p a) ∃ (r : NNReal), p r
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_eq_zero_iff (x : ENNReal) :
              x.toNNReal = 0 x = 0 x =
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_eq_zero_iff (x : ENNReal) :
              x.toReal = 0 x = 0 x =
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_ne_zero {a : ENNReal} :
              a.toNNReal 0 a 0 a
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_ne_zero {a : ENNReal} :
              a.toReal 0 a 0 a
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_eq_one_iff (x : ENNReal) :
              x.toNNReal = 1 x = 1
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_eq_one_iff (x : ENNReal) :
              x.toReal = 1 x = 1
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_ne_one {a : ENNReal} :
              a.toNNReal 1 a 1
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_ne_one {a : ENNReal} :
              a.toReal 1 a 1
              theorem ENNReal.coe_ne_top {r : NNReal} :
              theorem ENNReal.top_ne_coe {r : NNReal} :
              theorem ENNReal.coe_lt_top {r : NNReal} :
              r <
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_ofReal_eq_iff {a : } :
              (ENNReal.ofReal a).toReal = a 0 a
              theorem ENNReal.coe_le_coe {r : NNReal} {q : NNReal} :
              r q r q
              theorem ENNReal.coe_lt_coe {r : NNReal} {q : NNReal} :
              r < q r < q
              theorem ENNReal.coe_le_coe_of_le {r : NNReal} {q : NNReal} :
              r qr q

              Alias of the reverse direction of ENNReal.coe_le_coe.

              theorem ENNReal.coe_lt_coe_of_lt {r : NNReal} {q : NNReal} :
              r < qr < q

              Alias of the reverse direction of ENNReal.coe_lt_coe.

              theorem ENNReal.coe_eq_zero {r : NNReal} :
              r = 0 r = 0
              theorem ENNReal.zero_eq_coe {r : NNReal} :
              0 = r 0 = r
              theorem ENNReal.coe_eq_one {r : NNReal} :
              r = 1 r = 1
              theorem ENNReal.one_eq_coe {r : NNReal} :
              1 = r 1 = r
              theorem ENNReal.coe_pos {r : NNReal} :
              0 < r 0 < r
              theorem ENNReal.coe_ne_zero {r : NNReal} :
              r 0 r 0
              theorem ENNReal.coe_ne_one {r : NNReal} :
              r 1 r 1
              theorem ENNReal.coe_add (x : NNReal) (y : NNReal) :
              (x + y) = x + y
              theorem ENNReal.coe_mul (x : NNReal) (y : NNReal) :
              (x * y) = x * y
              theorem ENNReal.coe_nsmul (n : ) (x : NNReal) :
              (n x) = n x
              theorem ENNReal.coe_pow (x : NNReal) (n : ) :
              (x ^ n) = x ^ n
              theorem ENNReal.coe_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
              theorem ENNReal.coe_two :
              2 = 2
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_eq_toNNReal_iff (x : ENNReal) (y : ENNReal) :
              x.toNNReal = y.toNNReal x = y x = 0 y = x = y = 0
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_eq_toReal_iff (x : ENNReal) (y : ENNReal) :
              x.toReal = y.toReal x = y x = 0 y = x = y = 0
              theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_eq_toNNReal_iff' {x : ENNReal} {y : ENNReal} (hx : x ) (hy : y ) :
              x.toNNReal = y.toNNReal x = y
              theorem ENNReal.toReal_eq_toReal_iff' {x : ENNReal} {y : ENNReal} (hx : x ) (hy : y ) :
              x.toReal = y.toReal x = y

              (1 : ℝ≥0∞) ≤ 1, recorded as a Fact for use with Lp spaces.


              (1 : ℝ≥0∞) ≤ 2, recorded as a Fact for use with Lp spaces.


              (1 : ℝ≥0∞) ≤ ∞, recorded as a Fact for use with Lp spaces.


              The set of numbers in ℝ≥0∞ that are not equal to is equivalent to ℝ≥0.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                theorem ENNReal.cinfi_ne_top {α : Type u_1} [InfSet α] (f : ENNRealα) :
                ⨅ (x : { x : ENNReal // x }), f x = ⨅ (x : NNReal), f x
                theorem ENNReal.iInf_ne_top {α : Type u_1} [CompleteLattice α] (f : ENNRealα) :
                ⨅ (x : ENNReal), ⨅ (_ : x ), f x = ⨅ (x : NNReal), f x
                theorem ENNReal.csupr_ne_top {α : Type u_1} [SupSet α] (f : ENNRealα) :
                ⨆ (x : { x : ENNReal // x }), f x = ⨆ (x : NNReal), f x
                theorem ENNReal.iSup_ne_top {α : Type u_1} [CompleteLattice α] (f : ENNRealα) :
                ⨆ (x : ENNReal), ⨆ (_ : x ), f x = ⨆ (x : NNReal), f x
                theorem ENNReal.iInf_ennreal {α : Type u_2} [CompleteLattice α] {f : ENNRealα} :
                ⨅ (n : ENNReal), f n = (⨅ (n : NNReal), f n) f
                theorem ENNReal.iSup_ennreal {α : Type u_2} [CompleteLattice α] {f : ENNRealα} :
                ⨆ (n : ENNReal), f n = (⨆ (n : NNReal), f n) f

                Coercion ℝ≥0 → ℝ≥0∞ as a RingHom.

                Instances For
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_indicator {α : Type u_2} (s : Set α) (f : αNNReal) (a : α) :
                  (s.indicator f a) = s.indicator (fun (x : α) => (f x)) a
                  theorem ENNReal.one_le_coe_iff {r : NNReal} :
                  1 r 1 r
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_le_one_iff {r : NNReal} :
                  r 1 r 1
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_lt_one_iff {p : NNReal} :
                  p < 1 p < 1
                  theorem ENNReal.one_lt_coe_iff {p : NNReal} :
                  1 < p 1 < p
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_natCast (n : ) :
                  n = n
                  theorem ENNReal.ofReal_natCast (n : ) :
                  ENNReal.ofReal n = n
                  theorem ENNReal.ofReal_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                  theorem ENNReal.natCast_ne_top (n : ) :
                  theorem ENNReal.natCast_lt_top (n : ) :
                  n <
                  theorem ENNReal.top_ne_natCast (n : ) :
                  theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_nat (n : ) :
                  (↑n).toNNReal = n
                  theorem ENNReal.toReal_nat (n : ) :
                  (↑n).toReal = n
                  theorem ENNReal.toReal_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                  theorem ENNReal.le_coe_iff {a : ENNReal} {r : NNReal} :
                  a r ∃ (p : NNReal), a = p p r
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_le_iff {a : ENNReal} {r : NNReal} :
                  r a ∀ (p : NNReal), a = pr p
                  theorem ENNReal.lt_iff_exists_coe {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} :
                  a < b ∃ (p : NNReal), a = p p < b
                  theorem ENNReal.toReal_le_coe_of_le_coe {a : ENNReal} {b : NNReal} (h : a b) :
                  a.toReal b
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_finset_sup {α : Type u_1} {s : Finset α} {f : αNNReal} :
                  (s.sup f) = s.sup fun (x : α) => (f x)
                  theorem ENNReal.max_eq_zero_iff {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} :
                  max a b = 0 a = 0 b = 0
                  theorem ENNReal.sup_eq_max {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} :
                  a b = max a b
                  theorem ENNReal.lt_iff_exists_rat_btwn {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} :
                  a < b ∃ (q : ), 0 q a < (↑q).toNNReal (↑q).toNNReal < b
                  theorem ENNReal.lt_iff_exists_nnreal_btwn {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} :
                  a < b ∃ (r : NNReal), a < r r < b
                  theorem ENNReal.lt_iff_exists_add_pos_lt {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} :
                  a < b ∃ (r : NNReal), 0 < r a + r < b
                  theorem ENNReal.le_of_forall_pos_le_add {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} (h : ∀ (ε : NNReal), 0 < εb < a b + ε) :
                  a b
                  theorem ENNReal.natCast_lt_coe {r : NNReal} {n : } :
                  n < r n < r
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_lt_natCast {r : NNReal} {n : } :
                  r < n r < n
                  @[deprecated ENNReal.coe_natCast]
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_nat (n : ) :
                  n = n

                  Alias of ENNReal.coe_natCast.

                  @[deprecated ENNReal.ofReal_natCast]
                  theorem ENNReal.ofReal_coe_nat (n : ) :
                  ENNReal.ofReal n = n

                  Alias of ENNReal.ofReal_natCast.

                  @[deprecated ENNReal.natCast_ne_top]
                  theorem ENNReal.nat_ne_top (n : ) :

                  Alias of ENNReal.natCast_ne_top.

                  @[deprecated ENNReal.top_ne_natCast]
                  theorem ENNReal.top_ne_nat (n : ) :

                  Alias of ENNReal.top_ne_natCast.

                  @[deprecated ENNReal.natCast_lt_coe]
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_nat_lt_coe {r : NNReal} {n : } :
                  n < r n < r

                  Alias of ENNReal.natCast_lt_coe.

                  @[deprecated ENNReal.coe_lt_natCast]
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_lt_coe_nat {r : NNReal} {n : } :
                  r < n r < n

                  Alias of ENNReal.coe_lt_natCast.

                  theorem ENNReal.exists_nat_gt {r : ENNReal} (h : r ) :
                  ∃ (n : ), r < n
                  theorem ENNReal.iUnion_Iio_coe_nat :
                  ⋃ (n : ), Set.Iio n = {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iUnion_Iic_coe_nat :
                  ⋃ (n : ), Set.Iic n = {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iUnion_Ioc_coe_nat {a : ENNReal} :
                  ⋃ (n : ), Set.Ioc a n = Set.Ioi a \ {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iUnion_Ioo_coe_nat {a : ENNReal} :
                  ⋃ (n : ), Set.Ioo a n = Set.Ioi a \ {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iUnion_Icc_coe_nat {a : ENNReal} :
                  ⋃ (n : ), Set.Icc a n = Set.Ici a \ {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iUnion_Ico_coe_nat {a : ENNReal} :
                  ⋃ (n : ), Set.Ico a n = Set.Ici a \ {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iInter_Ici_coe_nat :
                  ⋂ (n : ), Set.Ici n = {}
                  theorem ENNReal.iInter_Ioi_coe_nat :
                  ⋂ (n : ), Set.Ioi n = {}
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_min (r : NNReal) (p : NNReal) :
                  (min r p) = min r p
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_max (r : NNReal) (p : NNReal) :
                  (max r p) = max r p
                  theorem ENNReal.le_of_top_imp_top_of_toNNReal_le {a : ENNReal} {b : ENNReal} (h : a = b = ) (h_nnreal : a b a.toNNReal b.toNNReal) :
                  a b
                  theorem ENNReal.abs_toReal {x : ENNReal} :
                  |x.toReal| = x.toReal
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_sSup {s : Set NNReal} :
                  BddAbove s(sSup s) = as, a
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_sInf {s : Set NNReal} (hs : s.Nonempty) :
                  (sInf s) = as, a
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_iSup {ι : Sort u_3} {f : ιNNReal} (hf : BddAbove (Set.range f)) :
                  (iSup f) = ⨆ (a : ι), (f a)
                  theorem ENNReal.coe_iInf {ι : Sort u_3} [Nonempty ι] (f : ιNNReal) :
                  (iInf f) = ⨅ (a : ι), (f a)
                  theorem ENNReal.iSup_coe_eq_top {ι : Sort u_2} {f : ιNNReal} :
                  ⨆ (i : ι), (f i) = ¬BddAbove (Set.range f)
                  theorem ENNReal.iSup_coe_lt_top {ι : Sort u_2} {f : ιNNReal} :
                  ⨆ (i : ι), (f i) < BddAbove (Set.range f)
                  theorem ENNReal.iInf_coe_eq_top {ι : Sort u_2} {f : ιNNReal} :
                  ⨅ (i : ι), (f i) = IsEmpty ι
                  theorem ENNReal.iInf_coe_lt_top {ι : Sort u_2} {f : ιNNReal} :
                  ⨅ (i : ι), (f i) < Nonempty ι
                  theorem Set.OrdConnected.preimage_coe_nnreal_ennreal {u : Set ENNReal} (h : u.OrdConnected) :
                  (ENNReal.ofNNReal ⁻¹' u).OrdConnected
                  theorem Set.OrdConnected.image_coe_nnreal_ennreal {t : Set NNReal} (h : t.OrdConnected) :
                  (ENNReal.ofNNReal '' t).OrdConnected
                  theorem Set.OrdConnected.preimage_ennreal_ofReal {u : Set ENNReal} (h : u.OrdConnected) :
                  (ENNReal.ofReal ⁻¹' u).OrdConnected
                  theorem Set.OrdConnected.image_ennreal_ofReal {s : Set } (h : s.OrdConnected) :
                  (ENNReal.ofReal '' s).OrdConnected