

Basics for the Rational Numbers #

structure Rat :

Rational numbers, implemented as a pair of integers num / den such that the denominator is positive and the numerator and denominator are coprime.

  • mk' :: (
    • num : Int

      The numerator of the rational number is an integer.

    • den : Nat

      The denominator of the rational number is a natural number.

    • den_nz : self.den 0

      The denominator is nonzero.

    • reduced : self.num.natAbs.Coprime self.den

      The numerator and denominator are coprime: it is in "reduced form".

  • )
Instances For
    theorem Rat.den_nz (self : Rat) :
    self.den 0

    The denominator is nonzero.

    theorem Rat.reduced (self : Rat) :
    self.num.natAbs.Coprime self.den

    The numerator and denominator are coprime: it is in "reduced form".

    instance instReprRat :
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    theorem Rat.den_pos (self : Rat) :
    0 < self.den
    def Rat.maybeNormalize (num : Int) (den : Nat) (g : Nat) (den_nz : den / g 0) (reduced : (num.tdiv g).natAbs.Coprime (den / g)) :

    Auxiliary definition for Rat.normalize. Constructs num / den as a rational number, dividing both num and den by g (which is the gcd of the two) if it is not 1.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem Rat.normalize.den_nz {num : Int} {den : Nat} {g : Nat} (den_nz : den 0) (e : g = num.natAbs.gcd den) :
      den / g 0
      theorem Rat.normalize.reduced {num : Int} {den : Nat} {g : Nat} (den_nz : den 0) (e : g = num.natAbs.gcd den) :
      (num.tdiv g).natAbs.Coprime (den / g)
      def Rat.normalize (num : Int) (den : optParam Nat 1) (den_nz : autoParam (den 0) _auto✝) :

      Construct a normalized Rat from a numerator and nonzero denominator. This is a "smart constructor" that divides the numerator and denominator by the gcd to ensure that the resulting rational number is normalized.

      Instances For
        def mkRat (num : Int) (den : Nat) :

        Construct a rational number from a numerator and denominator. This is a "smart constructor" that divides the numerator and denominator by the gcd to ensure that the resulting rational number is normalized, and returns zero if den is zero.

        Instances For
          def Rat.ofInt (num : Int) :

          Embedding of Int in the rational numbers.

          Instances For
            instance Rat.instOfNat {n : Nat} :
            • Rat.instOfNat = { ofNat := n }
            def Rat.isInt (a : Rat) :

            Is this rational number integral?

            • a.isInt = (a.den == 1)
            Instances For
              def Rat.divInt :

              Form the quotient n / d where n d : Int.

              Instances For

                Form the quotient n / d where n d : Int.

                Instances For
                  def Rat.ofScientific (m : Nat) (s : Bool) (e : Nat) :

                  Implements "scientific notation" 123.4e-5 for rational numbers. (This definition is @[irreducible] because you don't want to unfold it. Use Rat.ofScientific_def, Rat.ofScientific_true_def, or Rat.ofScientific_false_def instead.)

                  Instances For
                    def Rat.blt (a : Rat) (b : Rat) :

                    Rational number strictly less than relation, as a Bool.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      instance Rat.instLT :
                      instance Rat.instDecidableLt (a : Rat) (b : Rat) :
                      Decidable (a < b)
                      instance Rat.instLE :
                      instance Rat.instDecidableLe (a : Rat) (b : Rat) :
                      def Rat.mul (a : Rat) (b : Rat) :

                      Multiplication of rational numbers. (This definition is @[irreducible] because you don't want to unfold it. Use Rat.mul_def instead.)

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For
                        instance Rat.instMul :
                        def Rat.inv (a : Rat) :

                        The inverse of a rational number. Note: inv 0 = 0. (This definition is @[irreducible] because you don't want to unfold it. Use Rat.inv_def instead.)

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          def Rat.div :

                          Division of rational numbers. Note: div a 0 = 0.

                          • x1.div x2 = x1 * x2.inv
                          Instances For
                            instance Rat.instDiv :

                            Division of rational numbers. Note: div a 0 = 0. Written with a separate function Rat.div as a wrapper so that the definition is not unfolded at .instance transparency.

                            theorem Rat.add.aux (a : Rat) (b : Rat) {g : Nat} {ad : Nat} {bd : Nat} (hg : g = a.den.gcd b.den) (had : ad = a.den / g) (hbd : bd = b.den / g) :
                            let den := ad * b.den; let num := a.num * bd + b.num * ad; num.natAbs.gcd g = num.natAbs.gcd den
                            def Rat.add (a : Rat) (b : Rat) :

                            Addition of rational numbers. (This definition is @[irreducible] because you don't want to unfold it. Use Rat.add_def instead.)

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              instance Rat.instAdd :
                              def Rat.neg (a : Rat) :

                              Negation of rational numbers.

                              • a.neg = { num := -a.num, den := a.den, den_nz := , reduced := }
                              Instances For
                                instance Rat.instNeg :
                                theorem Rat.sub.aux (a : Rat) (b : Rat) {g : Nat} {ad : Nat} {bd : Nat} (hg : g = a.den.gcd b.den) (had : ad = a.den / g) (hbd : bd = b.den / g) :
                                let den := ad * b.den; let num := a.num * bd - b.num * ad; num.natAbs.gcd g = num.natAbs.gcd den
                                def Rat.sub (a : Rat) (b : Rat) :

                                Subtraction of rational numbers. (This definition is @[irreducible] because you don't want to unfold it. Use Rat.sub_def instead.)

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  instance Rat.instSub :
                                  def Rat.floor (a : Rat) :

                                  The floor of a rational number a is the largest integer less than or equal to a.

                                  • a.floor = if a.den = 1 then a.num else a.num / a.den
                                  Instances For
                                    def Rat.ceil (a : Rat) :

                                    The ceiling of a rational number a is the smallest integer greater than or equal to a.

                                    • a.ceil = if a.den = 1 then a.num else a.num / a.den + 1
                                    Instances For
                                      def Rat.toFloat (a : Rat) :

                                      Convert this rational number to a Float value.

                                      • a.toFloat = a.num.divFloat a.den
                                      Instances For

                                        Convert this floating point number to a rational value.

                                        Instances For

                                          Convert this floating point number to a rational value, mapping non-finite values (inf, -inf, nan) to 0.

                                          • a.toRat0 = a.toRat?.getD 0
                                          Instances For