Specific classes of maps between topological spaces #
This file introduces the following properties of a map f : X → Y
between topological spaces:
IsOpenMap f
means the image of an open set underf
is open.IsClosedMap f
means the image of a closed set underf
is closed.
(Open and closed maps need not be continuous.)
Inducing f
means the topology onX
is the one induced viaf
from the topology onY
. These behave like embeddings except they need not be injective. Instead, points ofX
which are identified byf
are also inseparable in the topology onX
.Embedding f
is inducing and also injective. Equivalently,f
with a subspace ofY
.IsOpenEmbedding f
is an embedding with open image, so it identifiesX
with an open subspace ofY
. Equivalently,f
is an embedding and an open map.ClosedEmbedding f
similarly meansf
is an embedding with closed image, so it identifiesX
with a closed subspace ofY
. Equivalently,f
is an embedding and a closed map.QuotientMap f
is the dual condition toEmbedding f
is surjective and the topology onY
is the one coinduced viaf
from the topology onX
. Equivalently,f
with a quotient ofX
. Quotient maps are also sometimes known as identification maps.
References #
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_and_closed_maps
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedding#General_topology
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotient_space_(topology)#Quotient_map
Tags #
open map, closed map, embedding, quotient map, identification map
The topology induced under an inclusion f : X → Y
from a discrete topological space Y
is the discrete topology on X
See also DiscreteTopology.of_continuous_injective
A continuous surjective open map is a quotient map.
An inducing map with an open range is an open map.
Preimage of a dense set under an open map is dense.
Alias of IsClosedMap.isClosed_range
A map f : X → Y
is closed if and only if for all sets s
, any cluster point of f '' s
the image by f
of some cluster point of s
If you require this for all filters instead of just principal filters, and also that f
continuous, you get the notion of proper map. See isProperMap_iff_clusterPt
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.isOpenMap
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.map_nhds_eq
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.open_iff_image_open
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.tendsto_nhds_iff
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.tendsto_nhds_iff'
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.continuousAt_iff
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.continuous
Alias of IsOpenEmbedding.open_iff_preimage_open
Alias of isOpenEmbedding_of_embedding_open
A surjective embedding is an IsOpenEmbedding
Alias of Embedding.toIsOpenEmbedding_of_surjective
A surjective embedding is an IsOpenEmbedding
Alias of isOpenEmbedding_iff_embedding_open
Alias of isOpenEmbedding_id