Term Language #
This file defines the term language the decision procedure operates on, and the denotation of these terms into operations on bitstreams
A Term
is an expression in the language our decision procedure operates on,
it represent an infinite bitstream (with free variables)
- var: ℕ → AutoStructs.Term
- zero: AutoStructs.Term
The constant
- negOne: AutoStructs.Term
The constant
- one: AutoStructs.Term
The constant
- and: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
Bitwise and
- or: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
Bitwise or
- xor: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
Bitwise xor
- not: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
Bitwise complement
- add: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
- sub: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
- neg: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
- incr: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
Increment (i.e., add one)
- decr: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term
Decrement (i.e., subtract one)
Instances For
- AutoStructs.instReprTerm = { reprPrec := AutoStructs.reprTerm✝ }
- AutoStructs.instInhabitedTerm = { default := AutoStructs.Term.zero }
- AutoStructs.instAddTerm = { add := AutoStructs.Term.add }
- AutoStructs.instSubTerm = { sub := AutoStructs.Term.sub }
- AutoStructs.instOneTerm = { one := AutoStructs.Term.one }
- AutoStructs.instZeroTerm = { zero := AutoStructs.Term.zero }
- AutoStructs.instNegTerm = { neg := AutoStructs.Term.neg }
is the max free variable id that occurs in the given term t
and thus is an upper bound on the number of free variables that occur in t
Note that the upper bound is not perfect:
a term like var 10
only has a single free variable, but its arity will be 11
- (AutoStructs.Term.var n).arity = n + 1
- AutoStructs.Term.zero.arity = 0
- AutoStructs.Term.one.arity = 0
- AutoStructs.Term.negOne.arity = 0
- (t₁.and t₂).arity = max t₁.arity t₂.arity
- (t₁.or t₂).arity = max t₁.arity t₂.arity
- (t₁.xor t₂).arity = max t₁.arity t₂.arity
- t.not.arity = t.arity
- (t₁.add t₂).arity = max t₁.arity t₂.arity
- (t₁.sub t₂).arity = max t₁.arity t₂.arity
- t.neg.arity = t.arity
- t.incr.arity = t.arity
- t.decr.arity = t.arity
Instances For
Evaluate a term t
to the BitVec it represents.
This differs from Term.eval
in that Term.evalFin
uses Term.arity
determine the number of free variables that occur in the given term,
and only require that many bitstream values to be given in vars
- (AutoStructs.Term.var n).evalFin vars_2 = vars_2 (Fin.last n)
- AutoStructs.Term.zero.evalFin vars_2 = BitVec.zero w
- AutoStructs.Term.one.evalFin vars_2 = 1
- AutoStructs.Term.negOne.evalFin vars_2 = -1
- (t₁.and t₂).evalFin vars_2 = (t₁.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) &&& t₂.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- (t₁.or t₂).evalFin vars_2 = (t₁.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) ||| t₂.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- (t₁.xor t₂).evalFin vars_2 = (t₁.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) ^^^ t₂.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- t_2.not.evalFin vars_2 = ~~~t_2.evalFin vars_2
- (t₁.add t₂).evalFin vars_2 = (t₁.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) + t₂.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- (t₁.sub t₂).evalFin vars_2 = (t₁.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) - t₂.evalFin fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- t_2.neg.evalFin vars_2 = -t_2.evalFin vars_2
- t_2.incr.evalFin vars_2 = t_2.evalFin vars_2 + 1
- t_2.decr.evalFin vars_2 = t_2.evalFin vars_2 - 1
Instances For
- (AutoStructs.Term.var n).evalNat vars = vars ↑(Fin.last n)
- AutoStructs.Term.zero.evalNat vars = BitVec.zero w
- AutoStructs.Term.one.evalNat vars = 1
- AutoStructs.Term.negOne.evalNat vars = -1
- (t₁.and t₂).evalNat vars = t₁.evalNat vars &&& t₂.evalNat vars
- (t₁.or t₂).evalNat vars = t₁.evalNat vars ||| t₂.evalNat vars
- (t₁.xor t₂).evalNat vars = t₁.evalNat vars ^^^ t₂.evalNat vars
- t_1.not.evalNat vars = ~~~t_1.evalNat vars
- (t₁.add t₂).evalNat vars = t₁.evalNat vars + t₂.evalNat vars
- (t₁.sub t₂).evalNat vars = t₁.evalNat vars - t₂.evalNat vars
- t_1.neg.evalNat vars = -t_1.evalNat vars
- t_1.incr.evalNat vars = t_1.evalNat vars + 1
- t_1.decr.evalNat vars = t_1.evalNat vars - 1
Instances For
- (AutoStructs.Term.var n).evalFinStream vars_2 = vars_2 (Fin.last n)
- AutoStructs.Term.zero.evalFinStream vars_2 = BitStream.zero
- AutoStructs.Term.one.evalFinStream vars_2 = BitStream.one
- AutoStructs.Term.negOne.evalFinStream vars_2 = BitStream.negOne
- (t₁.and t₂).evalFinStream vars_2 = (t₁.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) &&& t₂.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- (t₁.or t₂).evalFinStream vars_2 = (t₁.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) ||| t₂.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- (t₁.xor t₂).evalFinStream vars_2 = (t₁.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) ^^^ t₂.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- t_2.not.evalFinStream vars_2 = ~~~t_2.evalFinStream vars_2
- (t₁.add t₂).evalFinStream vars_2 = (t₁.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) + t₂.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- (t₁.sub t₂).evalFinStream vars_2 = (t₁.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₁.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)) - t₂.evalFinStream fun (i : Fin t₂.arity) => vars_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ i)
- t_2.neg.evalFinStream vars_2 = -t_2.evalFinStream vars_2
- t_2.incr.evalFinStream vars_2 = (t_2.evalFinStream vars_2).incr
- t_2.decr.evalFinStream vars_2 = (t_2.evalFinStream vars_2).decr
Instances For
- lt: AutoStructs.RelationOrdering
- le: AutoStructs.RelationOrdering
- gt: AutoStructs.RelationOrdering
- ge: AutoStructs.RelationOrdering
Instances For
- AutoStructs.instReprRelationOrdering = { reprPrec := AutoStructs.reprRelationOrdering✝ }
- eq: AutoStructs.Relation
- signed: AutoStructs.RelationOrdering → AutoStructs.Relation
- unsigned: AutoStructs.RelationOrdering → AutoStructs.Relation
Instances For
- AutoStructs.instReprRelation = { reprPrec := AutoStructs.reprRelation✝ }
- AutoStructs.evalRelation AutoStructs.Relation.eq bv1 bv2 = decide (bv1 = bv2)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.signed AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.lt) bv1 bv2 = (bv2 >ₛ bv1)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.signed AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.le) bv1 bv2 = (bv2 ≥ₛ bv1)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.signed AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.gt) bv1 bv2 = (bv1 >ₛ bv2)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.signed AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.ge) bv1 bv2 = (bv1 ≥ₛ bv2)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.unsigned AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.lt) bv1 bv2 = (bv2 >ᵤ bv1)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.unsigned AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.le) bv1 bv2 = (bv2 ≥ᵤ bv1)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.unsigned AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.gt) bv1 bv2 = (bv1 >ᵤ bv2)
- AutoStructs.evalRelation (AutoStructs.Relation.unsigned AutoStructs.RelationOrdering.ge) bv1 bv2 = (bv1 ≥ᵤ bv2)
Instances For
- and: AutoStructs.Binop
- or: AutoStructs.Binop
- impl: AutoStructs.Binop
- equiv: AutoStructs.Binop
Instances For
- AutoStructs.instReprBinop = { reprPrec := AutoStructs.reprBinop✝ }
- AutoStructs.evalBinop AutoStructs.Binop.and b1 b2 = (b1 && b2)
- AutoStructs.evalBinop AutoStructs.Binop.or b1 b2 = (b1 || b2)
- AutoStructs.evalBinop AutoStructs.Binop.impl b1 b2 = decide (b1 = true → b2 = true)
- AutoStructs.evalBinop AutoStructs.Binop.equiv b1 b2 = decide (b1 = true ↔ b2 = true)
Instances For
- AutoStructs.evalBinop' AutoStructs.Binop.and b1 b2 = (b1 ∧ b2)
- AutoStructs.evalBinop' AutoStructs.Binop.or b1 b2 = (b1 ∨ b2)
- AutoStructs.evalBinop' AutoStructs.Binop.impl b1 b2 = (b1 → b2)
- AutoStructs.evalBinop' AutoStructs.Binop.equiv b1 b2 = (b1 ↔ b2)
Instances For
- AutoStructs.instReprUnop = { reprPrec := AutoStructs.reprUnop✝ }
- atom: AutoStructs.Relation → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Formula
- msbSet: AutoStructs.Term → AutoStructs.Formula
- unop: AutoStructs.Unop → AutoStructs.Formula → AutoStructs.Formula
- binop: AutoStructs.Binop → AutoStructs.Formula → AutoStructs.Formula → AutoStructs.Formula
Instances For
- AutoStructs.instReprFormula = { reprPrec := AutoStructs.reprFormula✝ }
- AutoStructs.instInhabitedFormula = { default := AutoStructs.Formula.msbSet default }
- (AutoStructs.Formula.atom a a_1 a_2).arity = max a_1.arity a_2.arity
- (AutoStructs.Formula.msbSet a).arity = a.arity
- (AutoStructs.Formula.unop a a_1).arity = a_1.arity
- (AutoStructs.Formula.binop a a_1 a_2).arity = max a_1.arity a_2.arity
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- (AutoStructs.Formula.unop AutoStructs.Unop.neg φ_2).sat ρ_2 = !φ_2.sat ρ_2
- (AutoStructs.Formula.binop op φ1 φ2).sat ρ_2 = AutoStructs.evalBinop op (φ1.sat fun (n : Fin φ1.arity) => ρ_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ n)) (φ2.sat fun (n : Fin φ2.arity) => ρ_2 (Fin.castLE ⋯ n))
- (AutoStructs.Formula.msbSet t).sat ρ_2 = (t.evalFin ρ_2).msb
Instances For
- (AutoStructs.Formula.atom rel t1 t2).sat' ρ = (AutoStructs.evalRelation rel (t1.evalNat ρ) (t2.evalNat ρ) = true)
- (AutoStructs.Formula.unop AutoStructs.Unop.neg φ_2).sat' ρ = ¬φ_2.sat' ρ
- (AutoStructs.Formula.binop op φ1 φ2).sat' ρ = AutoStructs.evalBinop' op (φ1.sat' ρ) (φ2.sat' ρ)
- (AutoStructs.Formula.msbSet t).sat' ρ = ((t.evalNat ρ).msb = true)