

Join of a list of lists #

This file proves basic properties of List.join, which concatenates a list of lists. It is defined in Init.Data.List.Basic.

theorem List.length_flatten' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) :
L.flatten.length = Nat.sum ( List.length L)

See List.length_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.length_flatten']
theorem List.length_join' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) :
L.flatten.length = Nat.sum ( List.length L)

Alias of List.length_flatten'.

See List.length_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.countP_flatten' {α : Type u_1} (p : αBool) (L : List (List α)) :

See List.countP_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.countP_flatten']
theorem List.countP_join' {α : Type u_1} (p : αBool) (L : List (List α)) :

Alias of List.countP_flatten'.

See List.countP_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.count_flatten' {α : Type u_1} [BEq α] (L : List (List α)) (a : α) :
List.count a L.flatten = Nat.sum ( (List.count a) L)

See List.count_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.count_flatten']
theorem List.count_join' {α : Type u_1} [BEq α] (L : List (List α)) (a : α) :
List.count a L.flatten = Nat.sum ( (List.count a) L)

Alias of List.count_flatten'.

See List.count_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.length_bind' {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (l : List α) (f : αList β) :
(l.bind f).length = Nat.sum ( (List.length f) l)

See List.length_bind for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.countP_bind' {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (p : βBool) (l : List α) (f : αList β) :
List.countP p (l.bind f) = Nat.sum ( (List.countP p f) l)

See List.countP_bind for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.count_bind' {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [BEq β] (l : List α) (f : αList β) (x : β) :
List.count x (l.bind f) = Nat.sum ( (List.count x f) l)

See List.count_bind for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.take_sum_flatten' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : ) :
List.take (Nat.sum (List.take i ( List.length L))) L.flatten = (List.take i L).flatten

In a join, taking the first elements up to an index which is the sum of the lengths of the first i sublists, is the same as taking the join of the first i sublists.

See List.take_sum_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.take_sum_flatten']
theorem List.take_sum_join' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : ) :
List.take (Nat.sum (List.take i ( List.length L))) L.flatten = (List.take i L).flatten

Alias of List.take_sum_flatten'.

In a join, taking the first elements up to an index which is the sum of the lengths of the first i sublists, is the same as taking the join of the first i sublists.

See List.take_sum_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.drop_sum_flatten' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : ) :
List.drop (Nat.sum (List.take i ( List.length L))) L.flatten = (List.drop i L).flatten

In a join, dropping all the elements up to an index which is the sum of the lengths of the first i sublists, is the same as taking the join after dropping the first i sublists.

See List.drop_sum_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.drop_sum_flatten']
theorem List.drop_sum_join' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : ) :
List.drop (Nat.sum (List.take i ( List.length L))) L.flatten = (List.drop i L).flatten

Alias of List.drop_sum_flatten'.

In a join, dropping all the elements up to an index which is the sum of the lengths of the first i sublists, is the same as taking the join after dropping the first i sublists.

See List.drop_sum_flatten for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

theorem List.drop_take_succ_eq_cons_getElem {α : Type u_1} (L : List α) (i : ) (h : i < L.length) :
List.drop i (List.take (i + 1) L) = [L[i]]

Taking only the first i+1 elements in a list, and then dropping the first i ones, one is left with a list of length 1 made of the i-th element of the original list.

@[deprecated List.drop_take_succ_eq_cons_getElem]
theorem List.drop_take_succ_eq_cons_get {α : Type u_1} (L : List α) (i : Fin L.length) :
List.drop (↑i) (List.take (i + 1) L) = [L.get i]
theorem List.drop_take_succ_flatten_eq_getElem' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : ) (h : i < L.length) :
List.drop (Nat.sum (List.take i ( List.length L))) (List.take (Nat.sum (List.take (i + 1) ( List.length L))) L.flatten) = L[i]

In a flatten of sublists, taking the slice between the indices A and B - 1 gives back the original sublist of index i if A is the sum of the lengths of sublists of index < i, and B is the sum of the lengths of sublists of index ≤ i.

See List.drop_take_succ_flatten_eq_getElem for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.drop_take_succ_flatten_eq_getElem']
theorem List.drop_take_succ_join_eq_getElem' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : ) (h : i < L.length) :
List.drop (Nat.sum (List.take i ( List.length L))) (List.take (Nat.sum (List.take (i + 1) ( List.length L))) L.flatten) = L[i]

Alias of List.drop_take_succ_flatten_eq_getElem'.

In a flatten of sublists, taking the slice between the indices A and B - 1 gives back the original sublist of index i if A is the sum of the lengths of sublists of index < i, and B is the sum of the lengths of sublists of index ≤ i.

See List.drop_take_succ_flatten_eq_getElem for the corresponding statement using List.sum.

@[deprecated List.drop_take_succ_flatten_eq_getElem']
theorem List.drop_take_succ_join_eq_get' {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (i : Fin L.length) :
List.drop (Nat.sum (List.take (↑i) ( List.length L))) (List.take (Nat.sum (List.take (i + 1) ( List.length L))) L.flatten) = L.get i
theorem List.flatten_drop_length_sub_one {α : Type u_1} {L : List (List α)} (h : L []) :
(List.drop (L.length - 1) L).flatten = L.getLast h
@[deprecated List.flatten_drop_length_sub_one]
theorem List.join_drop_length_sub_one {α : Type u_1} {L : List (List α)} (h : L []) :
(List.drop (L.length - 1) L).flatten = L.getLast h

Alias of List.flatten_drop_length_sub_one.

theorem List.append_flatten_map_append {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (x : List α) :
x ++ ( (fun (x_1 : List α) => x_1 ++ x) L).flatten = ( (fun (x_1 : List α) => x ++ x_1) L).flatten ++ x

We can rebracket x ++ (l₁ ++ x) ++ (l₂ ++ x) ++ ... ++ (lₙ ++ x) to (x ++ l₁) ++ (x ++ l₂) ++ ... ++ (x ++ lₙ) ++ x where L = [l₁, l₂, ..., lₙ].

@[deprecated List.append_flatten_map_append]
theorem List.append_join_map_append {α : Type u_1} (L : List (List α)) (x : List α) :
x ++ ( (fun (x_1 : List α) => x_1 ++ x) L).flatten = ( (fun (x_1 : List α) => x ++ x_1) L).flatten ++ x

Alias of List.append_flatten_map_append.

We can rebracket x ++ (l₁ ++ x) ++ (l₂ ++ x) ++ ... ++ (lₙ ++ x) to (x ++ l₁) ++ (x ++ l₂) ++ ... ++ (x ++ lₙ) ++ x where L = [l₁, l₂, ..., lₙ].

theorem List.sublist_join {α : Type u_1} {l : List α} {L : List (List α)} (h : l L) :
l.Sublist L.flatten