Euclidean domains #
This file introduces Euclidean domains and provides the extended Euclidean algorithm. To be precise,
a slightly more general version is provided which is sometimes called a transfinite Euclidean domain
and differs in the fact that the degree function need not take values in ℕ
but can take values in
any well-ordered set. Transfinite Euclidean domains were introduced by Motzkin and examples which
don't satisfy the classical notion were provided independently by Hiblot and Nagata.
Main definitions #
: Defines Euclidean domain with functionsquotient
. Instances ofDiv
are provided, so that one can writea = b * (a / b) + a % b
: defines the greatest common divisors of two elements of a Euclidean domain.xgcd
: given two elementsa b : R
,xgcd a b
defines the pair(x, y)
such thatx * a + y * b = gcd a b
: defines the lowest common multiple of two elementsa
of a Euclidean domain asa * b / (gcd a b)
Main statements #
See Algebra.EuclideanDomain.Basic
for most of the theorems about Euclidean domains,
including Bézout's lemma.
See Algebra.EuclideanDomain.Instances
for the fact that ℤ
is a Euclidean domain,
as is any field.
Notation #
denotes the well founded relation on the Euclidean domain, e.g. in the example of the polynomial
ring over a field, p ≺ q
for polynomials p
and q
if and only if the degree of p
is less than
the degree of q
Implementation details #
Instead of working with a valuation, EuclideanDomain
is implemented with the existence of a well
founded relation r
on the integral domain R
, which in the example of ℤ
would correspond to
setting i ≺ j
for integers i
and j
if the absolute value of i
is smaller than the absolute
value of j
References #
- [Th. Motzkin, The Euclidean algorithm][MR32592]
- [J.-J. Hiblot, Des anneaux euclidiens dont le plus petit algorithme n'est pas à valeurs finies] [MR399081]
- [M. Nagata, On Euclid algorithm][MR541021]
Tags #
Euclidean domain, transfinite Euclidean domain, Bézout's lemma
A EuclideanDomain
is a non-trivial commutative ring with a division and a remainder,
satisfying b * (a / b) + a % b = a
The definition of a Euclidean domain usually includes a valuation function R → ℕ
This definition is slightly generalised to include a well founded relation
with the property that r (a % b) b
, instead of a valuation.
- add : R → R → R
- zero : R
- nsmul : ℕ → R → R
- nsmul_zero : ∀ (x : R), AddMonoid.nsmul 0 x = 0
- nsmul_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R), AddMonoid.nsmul (n + 1) x = AddMonoid.nsmul n x + x
- mul : R → R → R
- one : R
- natCast : ℕ → R
- natCast_zero : NatCast.natCast 0 = 0
- natCast_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ), NatCast.natCast (n + 1) = NatCast.natCast n + 1
- npow : ℕ → R → R
- npow_zero : ∀ (x : R), Semiring.npow 0 x = 1
- npow_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R), Semiring.npow (n + 1) x = Semiring.npow n x * x
- neg : R → R
- sub : R → R → R
- zsmul : ℤ → R → R
- zsmul_zero' : ∀ (a : R), Ring.zsmul 0 a = 0
- zsmul_succ' : ∀ (n : ℕ) (a : R), Ring.zsmul (↑n.succ) a = Ring.zsmul (↑n) a + a
- zsmul_neg' : ∀ (n : ℕ) (a : R), Ring.zsmul (Int.negSucc n) a = -Ring.zsmul (↑n.succ) a
- intCast : ℤ → R
- intCast_ofNat : ∀ (n : ℕ), IntCast.intCast ↑n = ↑n
- intCast_negSucc : ∀ (n : ℕ), IntCast.intCast (Int.negSucc n) = -↑(n + 1)
- exists_pair_ne : ∃ (x : R), ∃ (y : R), x ≠ y
- quotient : R → R → R
A division function (denoted
) onR
. This satisfies the propertyb * (a / b) + a % b = a
, where%
. - quotient_zero : ∀ (a : R), EuclideanDomain.quotient a 0 = 0
Division by zero should always give zero by convention.
- remainder : R → R → R
A remainder function (denoted
) onR
. This satisfies the propertyb * (a / b) + a % b = a
, where/
. - quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq : ∀ (a b : R), b * EuclideanDomain.quotient a b + EuclideanDomain.remainder a b = a
The property that links the quotient and remainder functions. This allows us to compute GCDs and LCMs.
- r : R → R → Prop
A well-founded relation on
, satisfyingr (a % b) b
. This ensures that the GCD algorithm always terminates. - r_wellFounded : WellFounded EuclideanDomain.r
The relation
must be well-founded. This ensures that the GCD algorithm always terminates. - remainder_lt : ∀ (a : R) {b : R}, b ≠ 0 → EuclideanDomain.r (EuclideanDomain.remainder a b) b
- mul_left_not_lt : ∀ (a : R) {b : R}, b ≠ 0 → ¬EuclideanDomain.r (a * b) a
An additional constraint on
Division by zero should always give zero by convention.
The property that links the quotient and remainder functions. This allows us to compute GCDs and LCMs.
The relation r
must be well-founded.
This ensures that the GCD algorithm always terminates.
An additional constraint on r
- EuclideanDomain.wellFoundedRelation = { rel := EuclideanDomain.r, wf := ⋯ }
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
- EuclideanDomain.instDiv = { div := EuclideanDomain.quotient }
- EuclideanDomain.instMod = { mod := EuclideanDomain.remainder }
gcd a b
is a (non-unique) element such that gcd a b ∣ a
gcd a b ∣ b
, and for
any element c
such that c ∣ a
and c ∣ b
, then c ∣ gcd a b
- EuclideanDomain.gcd a b = if a0 : a = 0 then b else let_fun x := ⋯; EuclideanDomain.gcd (b % a) a
Instances For
An implementation of the extended GCD algorithm.
At each step we are computing a triple (r, s, t)
, where r
is the next value of the GCD
algorithm, to compute the greatest common divisor of the input (say x
and y
), and s
and t
are the coefficients in front of x
and y
to obtain r
(i.e. r = s * x + t * y
The function xgcdAux
takes in two triples, and from these recursively computes the next triple:
xgcdAux (r, s, t) (r', s', t') = xgcdAux (r' % r, s' - (r' / r) * s, t' - (r' / r) * t) (r, s, t)
- EuclideanDomain.xgcdAux r s t r' s' t' = if _hr : r = 0 then (r', s', t') else let q := r' / r; let_fun x := ⋯; EuclideanDomain.xgcdAux (r' % r) (s' - q * s) (t' - q * t) r s t
Instances For
Use the extended GCD algorithm to generate the a
and b
satisfying gcd x y = x * a + y * b
- EuclideanDomain.xgcd x y = (EuclideanDomain.xgcdAux x 1 0 y 0 1).snd
Instances For
The extended GCD a
value in the equation gcd x y = x * a + y * b
- EuclideanDomain.gcdA x y = (EuclideanDomain.xgcd x y).fst
Instances For
The extended GCD b
value in the equation gcd x y = x * a + y * b
- EuclideanDomain.gcdB x y = (EuclideanDomain.xgcd x y).snd
Instances For
lcm a b
is a (non-unique) element such that a ∣ lcm a b
b ∣ lcm a b
, and for
any element c
such that a ∣ c
and b ∣ c
, then lcm a b ∣ c
- EuclideanDomain.lcm x y = x * y / EuclideanDomain.gcd x y